Code of Conduct
Why is a Code of Conduct necessary and what is its objective?
On the one hand, the business world becomes increasingly complex and dynamic and it is more difficult to make good decisions and take the right measures. Therefore, every day more and more companies decide to write codes of ethics to protect their activity.
On the other hand, we must bear in mind that we are all responsible for understanding the important ethical and legal issues that affect our business and for acting with integrity at all times, helping to maintain our company’s prestige and reputation.
The Code of Conduct specifies Vía Célere’s corporate values and principles, helping to implement them continuously by establishing certain minimum performance standards. This aims to provide a reference and guidance framework in the development of our professional practice to help us refrain from doing the wrong thing and comply with the laws, rules and regulations that apply to our businesses.

Bribery, corruption and fraud-related policy
The purpose of this Policy is to define the principles of action to be followed by the directors, managers and employees of the companies belonging to the Group, as well as the collaborators conducting business with them.
Via Célere maintains a position of zero tolerance towards bribery, corruption and fraud.
Vía Célere does not accept, in any case, businesses that imply the infringement of current legislation or the internal regulations of the Group.
This Policy constitutes a commitment to permanently monitor and punish acts and conducts that are fraudulent or that promote corruption in all its manifestations.