Legal Notice

Legal notice

1. Introduction and Company Profile

This text constitutes the Legal Notice of the web pages owned by VIA CELERE DESARROLLOS INMOBILIARIOS, S.A. under the domain “” and their respective subdomains (hereinafter, the “Website”).

In accordance with Art.10 of Law 34/2002, on Services of the Information Society, you are informed that VIA CELERE DESARROLLOS INMOBILIARIOS, S.A. (the commercial name of the group is VIA CELERE) is an entity whose registered office is located in Calle Ulises 16-18, plantas 6ª y 7ª, 28043 – Madrid, with Co. Tax no. A36111391. It was constituted for an indefinite period by means of a public deed granted on August 16, 1989, before the Notary of Pontevedra, Mr Rafael Sanmartín Losada, registered under the number 1,503 in his record books. Recorded in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid in Volume 34645, Folio 111, Page M-623073 (hereinafter, the Website “VIA CELERE “).

To communicate with VIA CELERE directly and effectively, you can contact the e-mail address or contact us on +34 915.572.739.

2. Object and Scope of the Application

These general conditions (hereinafter “General Conditions”) regulate the use of all the services that VIA CELERE places at the disposal of users on the Website and whose purpose is to offer, free of charge, to users, access to information and contents related to their promotions, by  displaying them directly or through technical devices linked to other Internet websites. VIA CELERE reserves the right to modify the presentation, configuration and content of the Website and the services, as well as the conditions required for its access and / or use.

However, access to certain contents and the use of certain services may be subject to certain Particular Conditions, which, as the case may be, will replace, complete and / or modify this Legal Notice, or the General Conditions and, where applicable, Individual ones. The contradictory terms of the Particular Conditions on the General Conditions and the Legal Notice will prevail. In general, Users may access the website freely and free of charge. Merely accessing, browsing and using the Website entails and implies acceptance by the User of the current Legal Notice and those published at any time.

In this sense, the User will be understood as the person who accesses, browses or displays the contents hosted on the Website and the Registered User is who accesses, browses and registers to, use, view, browse, house and / or download the contents and / or use the services of the Website. VIA CELERE is not responsible for the possible damages or prejudices of any nature that the user may suffer due to the cancellations or modifications mentioned.

Likewise, VIA CELERE will not be held responsible for the hypothetical damages that may be suffered by the computers and computer systems of the Users while browsing this Website, or of those derived from the presence of computer viruses that may have been spread through Internet.

3. User Obligations

Accessing and browsing this Web Site does not require registration, however, when using certain functionalities data may be required to be provided, such as, name and email address.

The User agrees to:

  • Accept and comply with the provisions of this Legal Notice, and any document that forms an integral part of it.
  • Not defame, abuse, annoy, harass, threaten or otherwise violate any other Users’ rights or any other persons.
  • Not eliminate or attempt to suppress any security measures adopted and implemented on the Website.
  • Comply with the provisions of the current legislation.

4. Intellectual and Industrial Property rights

VIA CELERE is the owner or has obtained the corresponding license for the exploitation rights of the intellectual and industrial property of the Website, as well as the intellectual and industrial property rights on the information and materials contained, the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its contents, services and products available through it, as well as the computer programs used in connection with it. Access, browsing, use, hosting and / or downloading of contents and / or use of the Website services by the User, in no case shall be understood as a waiver, transmission, license or total or partial cession of the rights indicated above by VIA CELERE or, where appropriate, the holder of the corresponding rights. Consequently it is strictly forbidden to delete, circumvent or manipulate the copyright notice and any other identification data regarding the rights of VIA CELERE or of their respective owners incorporated into the contents and / or services, as well as the technical protection devices or any information and / or identification mechanisms that may be contained in them.
References to names and trademarks or registered trademarks, logos or other distinctive signs, whether owned by VIA CELERE or by third parties, imply a prohibition on their use without the written consent of VIA CELERE or its legitimate owners, as applicable.

At no time, unless expressly stated, does access or use of the Website and / or its contents and / or services confer the User any rights over the brands, logos and / or distinctive signs included in it protected by Law. All intellectual and industrial property rights are reserved and, in particular, it is forbidden to modify, copy, reuse, exploit, reproduce, transform, publicly communicate, make second or subsequent publications, upload files, send by mail, transmit, use, treat or distribute in any way all or part of the contents and products included in the Website for public or commercial purposes, if you do not have the express written consent of VIA CELERE or, where appropriate, the owner of the corresponding rights

5. Communications License

In the event that the User sends information of any kind to VIA CELERE through the Website, using the channels provided for this purpose, the User declares, guarantees and accepts that they have the right to do so freely, that said information does not infringe any right of intellectual property, trademark, patent, commercial secret, or any other third party right, that said information is not confidential and that said information is not harmful to third parties.

The User acknowledges the responsibility and will hold VIA CELERE harmless for any communication provided personally or in its name, with said responsibility covering without restriction whatsoever, the accuracy, legality, originality and ownership of it.

6. Responsibilities and Guarantees

The contents of the Website are provided for informational purposes and are not intended to constitute any investment, transaction recommendations or similar.

VIA CELERE declares that it has adopted all the necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of the art of the technology, to guarantee the operation of the Website and to prevent the existence and transmission of viruses and other harmful components to Users.

However, VIA CELERE does not guarantee the suitability or usefulness of the contents of the Website and is not responsible for any damages caused by it or to a third party, by anyone violating the conditions, rules and instructions that VIA CELERE establishes on the Website or through the violation of the security systems of the Website.

If the User has knowledge of the existence of any illegal or illicit content, contrary to the law or that may involve an infringement of intellectual and / or industrial property rights, they must immediately notify VIA CELERE so that it can proceed to adopt the appropriate measures.

Users are warned that intentionally entering a specific system and acts of computer sabotage can generate civil and criminal liability in accordance with the provisions of article 264.2 of the Criminal Code, with VIA CELERE reserving the right to take any legal action that might apply.

VIA CELERE will adopt all the measures at its disposal to prevent any type of conduct contrary to the Spanish Laws and will cooperate with the competent Authorities in the identification of the subjects responsible for the actions that may entail any violations of the laws or conditions applicable to this website.

7. Specific Conditions

The use of this Website does not imply in any way the beginning of a business relationship with VIA CELERE.
The information, images, texts, documents, prices and any other content located on the Website can be modified or updated at any time, as required by any technical or legal needs that may arise. However, the user can confirm its validity by requesting information at or by visiting our points of sale. All information and documents required pursuant to RD 515/1989 and other applicable legislation is available to the public and / or the authorities at the sales points for the promotions.

Warnings regarding the information provided when advertising promotions:

  • Images: Some of the images of the promotions have been created virtually, with Gardens and decorative furniture elements used for recreational purposes and as a mere suggestion. In the same way, the furniture exhibited in the photographs and videos of the pilot dwelling constitutes a decoration suggestion, and is not included in general. In any case, dwellings are delivered with the elements mentioned in the building specifications.
  • Building specifications: The materials, elements and procedures described in them may undergo modifications during the execution of the work due to technical or legal needs. In any case, they will be substituted by others of equal or superior quality.
  • Drawings: Keep in mind that these documents are not final and have been drawn up based on the basic project of the building, so they can undergo modifications due to technical requirements, in all cases adjusting to the Final Detail Design Project. The location of sanitary appliances and kitchen furniture may be modified for technical reasons. The rest of the furniture is not included.
  • Availability: the homes that are advertised on this website for each of the promotions, as well as the indicated price, are subject to availability.

8. Links

8.1. Links to other web pages:
VIA CELERE will not be held liable for any aspect relating to third-party web pages to which a link could be established from the Website, specifically, but not limited to,  operation, access, data, information , files, quality and reliability of its products and services, its own links and / or any of its contents, in general.
The establishment of any type of link from the Website to another website does not imply that there is any kind of relationship, collaboration or dependence between VIA CELERE and the person responsible for this other website..

8.2. Links on other web pages to the Website:
If any User, entity or website wishes to establish any type of link to the Website, the following stipulations must be complied: The link must be absolute and complete, i.e., it must take the User, by means of a click, to the Website URL and must fully cover the entire content of the Website Home Page. In no case, unless VIA CELERE expressly authorizes it  in writing, may the Website providing the link reproduce it, in any way or include it as part of its Web or within one of its frames or create a  browser on any of the pages of the Website. The page establishing the link cannot declare in any way that DOS PUNTOS has authorized such a link, unless VIA CELERE has done so expressly and previously in writing. If the entity that makes the link from its web page to the Website correctly, wishes to include the brand, name, trade name, label, logo, slogan or any other type of identifying element of VIA CELERE and / or the Website on its own website, they must previously obtain express authorization in writing. VIA CÉLERE does not authorize the establishment of a link to the Website from those web pages that contain illegal, illicit, degrading, obscene material, information or content, and in general, that contravene morality, public order or generally accepted social norms.

9. Privacy and Cookies

The Privacy Policy and the Cookies Policy of the Website are determined by the provisions of the PRIVACY POLICY AND COOKIES POLICY documents.

10. Duration and Modification

VIA CELERE may modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein, in whole or in part, publishing any change in the same way as this Legal Notice appears or through any type of communication addressed to Users.

The temporary validity of this Legal Notice coincides, therefore, for as long as it is appears, until it is totally or partially modified, at which time the published modified Legal Notice on this Website will become valid.

Regardless of the provisions of the Specific Conditions, VIA CELERE may terminate, suspend or interrupt, at any time without prior notice, access to the Website contents, without the User being able to demand any compensation. After said termination, the prohibitions of use of the contents set forth in this Legal Notice will remain in force.

11. General Considerations

The headings of the different clauses are only informative, and will not affect, qualify or extend the interpretation of the Legal Notice.

In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions of this Legal Notice and the Specific Conditions of each specific service, the provisions of the latter will prevail.

In the event that any provision or provisions of this Legal Notice were to be considered null and void or inapplicable, in whole or in part, by any Court, Tribunal or competent administrative body, said nullity or non-application will not affect the other provisions of the Legal Notice.

The non-exercise or execution by VIA CELERE of any right or provision contained in this Legal Notice will not constitute a waiver thereof, unless acknowledgement and agreement in writing by the party is given.

12. Jurisdiction and Applicable Legislation

The VIA CELERE Website and its content will be governed by the provisions of Spanish legislation. The relations established between VIA CELERE and the User shall be governed by the provisions of current regulations regarding the applicable legislation and the competent jurisdiction. However, in cases where legislation foresees the possibility of both parties submitting to a Court, VIA CELERE and the User, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction that may apply, submit any disputes and / or litigation to the attention of the Courts and Tribunals of the city of Madrid, and Spanish legislation will be applicable.